How Does Blockchain Work?
- blockchain All Things Web3
How Does Blockchain Work?How Does Blockchain Work?How Does Blockchain Work?
comment How Does Blockchain Work?How Does Blockchain Work?How Does Blockchain Work?
Answers 4
My answer is official :))
a new “block” is created and attached to the “chain.” This involves all nodes updating their version of the blockchain ledger to be identical.
The digital ledger is often described as a “chain” that’s made up of individual “blocks” of data. As fresh data is periodically added to the network, a new “block” is created and attached to the “chain.” This involves all nodes updating their version of the blockchain ledger to be identical.
The name blockchain is hardly accidental: The digital ledger is often described as a “chain” that’s made up of individual “blocks” of data. As fresh data is periodically added to the network, a new “block” is created and attached to the “chain.” This involves all nodes updating their version of the blockchain ledger to be identical.